Applying Natural Language Processing in Improving Business Correspondence and Communication

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Dr Preeti Chitkara


Natural Language Processing (NLP), a cutting-edge technology that has recently come into prominence, has the potential to completely transform the way in which businesses correspond with one another and communicate. This study investigates how approaches from the field of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) might be used to improve a variety of elements of corporate communication, such as email communications, contacts with customers, and internal communication inside businesses’ approaches combine machine learning with linguistic analysis in order to analyze and comprehend human language. This paves the way for automated text production, analysis of sentiment, and translation of languages. In this article, we examine how these methods might be used to increase the efficacy, precision, and efficiency of corporate communication operations. The use of natural language processing (NLP) to email interaction entails automating mundane duties such as composing answers and classifying emails so that staff are free to concentrate on more strategic endeavors. Additionally, sentiment analysis may provide insights into the comments provided by customers, which can assist businesses in better tailoring their replies and plans. Additionally, language translation enabled by NLP has the potential to break down barriers to global communication and cooperation, making it easier for people from different countries to work together.


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How to Cite
Dr Preeti Chitkara. (2024). Applying Natural Language Processing in Improving Business Correspondence and Communication. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 13157–13163.
Author Biography

Dr Preeti Chitkara

Head PR and International Relations & Assistant Professor  Department of  Humanities & Social Sciences KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh