Supply Chain Resilience And Risk Management: Strategies For Mitigating Global Supply Chain Disruptions

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Dr. Kumar J
Dr. Skanda Moda Gururajarao
Eduardo Manuel Moran Echeverria
Crispin J Fernandez
Mohamed Ashik Sulthan Sl


This research paper investigates the critical dimensions of supply chain resilience and risk management amidst the increasing disruptions in global supply chains. The contemporary global economy is characterized by interconnectedness, complexity, and vulnerability to various risks, including natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, pandemics, and cyber threats. These disruptions have highlighted the necessity for businesses to proactively adopt resilient strategies to withstand and mitigate their adverse impacts.

Drawing upon a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, this paper synthesizes the key strategies and best practices for enhancing supply chain resilience and risk management. It begins by delineating the conceptual foundations of supply chain resilience, elucidating its multifaceted nature encompassing flexibility, redundancy, agility, and robustness. Subsequently, it delves into the identification and assessment of supply chain risks, emphasizing the significance of proactive risk identification, assessment, and prioritization.

Moreover, this paper explores a range of strategic interventions and operational practices aimed at enhancing supply chain resilience and mitigating risks. These include the adoption of digital technologies such as blockchain and IoT for enhanced visibility and traceability, the development of collaborative relationships with suppliers and partners, the implementation of inventory optimization techniques, and the establishment of alternate sourcing strategies.

Furthermore, this paper examines the role of organizational culture, leadership, and governance structures in fostering a resilient supply chain culture and facilitating effective risk management practices. It also underscores the importance of continuous monitoring, scenario planning, and adaptive capacity-building to navigate uncertainties and disruptions effectively.

This paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive synthesis of strategies and practices for enhancing supply chain resilience and mitigating risks in the face of global disruptions. It offers valuable insights and practical recommendations to assist businesses in fortifying their supply chains and ensuring operational continuity in an increasingly volatile and uncertain business environment.


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How to Cite
Dr. Kumar J, Dr. Skanda Moda Gururajarao, Eduardo Manuel Moran Echeverria, Crispin J Fernandez, & Mohamed Ashik Sulthan Sl. (2024). Supply Chain Resilience And Risk Management: Strategies For Mitigating Global Supply Chain Disruptions. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2169–2175.
Author Biographies

Dr. Kumar J

Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram, Campus Chennai, Pin: 600 089

Dr. Skanda Moda Gururajarao

Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, SJCE, JSS Science and Technology University, Mysore, Pin: 570006

Eduardo Manuel Moran Echeverria

Teacher, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Ismael Pérez Pazmiño, Pin: 070210

Crispin J Fernandez

Growth Enablement Lead, Growth CX Pvt Ltd

Mohamed Ashik Sulthan Sl

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, DGM MES Mampad College (Autonomous),Mampad (PO), Malappuram District, Pin : 676542