Implications of Marketing Performance for Culinary MSMES

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Siska Ernawati Fatimah
Eddy Jusuf
Popo Suryana


The growth rate of MSME performance faces challenges in expanding its business scale. This is attributed to the limited capacity of MSME actors to develop strategic policies. The objective of this research was to assess the degree of entrepreneurial marketing transformation among MSME players in West Java. The research employed an associative quantitative research method, utilizing proportional-clustered-random-sampling as the sampling technique. Primary and secondary data sources were utilized, with data collection conducted through observation, literature review, interviews, and questionnaires. The analysis technique employed SEM analysis with the LISREL 8.0 program. The findings revealed that the application of market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, product innovation, and competitive advantage is crucial for the MSME sector to enhance its marketing performance capabilities. Particularly, factors such as risk-taking and innovation play a significant role. These findings have practical implications, as they suggest that MSME actors should prioritize these factors to ensure the sustainability of their businesses


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How to Cite
Siska Ernawati Fatimah, Eddy Jusuf, & Popo Suryana. (2024). Implications of Marketing Performance for Culinary MSMES. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2234–2242.
Author Biographies

Siska Ernawati Fatimah

Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia

Eddy Jusuf

Graduate of Universitas Pasundan Bandung, Indonesia

Popo Suryana

Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Pasundan Bandung, Indonesia