Algorithmic Trading And Market Liquidity Dynamics In Indian Energy Futures: A Comprehensive Analysis"

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Rashmi Jain
Dr. Chaya Bagrecha


This research delves into the influence of algorithmic trading (AT) on various facets of liquidity within the Indian energy futures market. Through regression analysis, we scrutinize how AT intensity affects market tightness, breadth, depth, and resiliency utilizing measures such as relative spread (RS), Amihud illiquidity ratio (AIR), commodity turnover (CT), and Price/Trade ratio. Our results uncover a notable and positive relationship between AT and market tightness and breadth, indicating improved liquidity with narrower spreads and increased order depth. However, the impact of AT on depth, measured by CT, is negative and significant, suggesting lower turnover for algorithmic trades compared to manual ones. Additionally, AT demonstrates a positive influence on resiliency, as measured by the P/T ratio, suggesting a quicker recovery from price shocks.


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How to Cite
Rashmi Jain, & Dr. Chaya Bagrecha. (2024). Algorithmic Trading And Market Liquidity Dynamics In Indian Energy Futures: A Comprehensive Analysis". Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2344–2351.
Author Biographies

Rashmi Jain

Research Scholar, Jain Deemed to be University

Dr. Chaya Bagrecha

Professor-Faculty of Management Studies, Jain Deemed to be University, Bangalore, India

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