Enhancing English As A Foreign Language (EFL) Instruction Through Digital Teaching Platforms: Analyzing The Impact Of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, And Google Meet On Communication And Participation

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Dhouha Choukaier


This research paper investigates the efficacy of digital teaching platforms, namely Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet, in enhancing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction. The study focuses on analyzing the impact of these platforms on communication and participation within the context of Saudi Arabia. Through a comprehensive literature review, the paper examines the current state of EFL instruction, the role of digital teaching platforms in education, and previous studies on their effectiveness in the EFL context. The paper presents a detailed methodology outlining the research design, participant demographics, data collection instruments, and analysis techniques employed. Results and findings highlight the improvements in verbal and non-verbal communication, student-teacher and peer interactions, as well as increased engagement and participation levels facilitated by these platforms. Challenges such as technical issues, digital literacy, and cultural barriers are also identified and discussed. The paper concludes with practical implications, recommendations for educators and policymakers, and avenues for future research.


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How to Cite
Dhouha Choukaier. (2024). Enhancing English As A Foreign Language (EFL) Instruction Through Digital Teaching Platforms: Analyzing The Impact Of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, And Google Meet On Communication And Participation. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2404–2418. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5748
Author Biography

Dhouha Choukaier

Department of Basic Sciences, Foundation Year for Health Colleges, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box 84428, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia. Département d’Anglais, Institut Supérieur Des Langues De Tunis (ISLT), Université Tunis Carthage, Tunis, Tunisie,