Social Media and Young Voters, A Case Study of Punjab

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Dr. Birendi


Social media has become a significant influence on many aspects of society, including political participation, in recent years. The effects of social media platforms on the political attitudes, participation, and decision-making processes of young voters are the primary focus of this research paper, which delves into the intricate relationship between the two. The paper starts by investigating the components through which online entertainment stages work with political commitment among youthful electors, including data scattering, relational correspondence, and assembly endeavours. It then delves into how people's political attitudes, beliefs, and actions are influenced by algorithms, social media content, and online communities. In addition, the study investigates the potential advantages and disadvantages of engaging in social media for young voters, such as increased vulnerability to misinformation and manipulation, expanded access to diverse perspectives, and the effects of echo chambers. It also looks into how young people develop political identities and how political polarization is influenced by social media. Moreover, the paper analyzes the viability of different systems utilized by political entertainers and associations to connect with youthful electors through virtual entertainment, including designated publicizing, powerhouse supports, and grassroots activation crusades. It likewise investigates the moral contemplations and administrative difficulties related with political correspondence via online entertainment stages.


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How to Cite
Akilarasan.S, & Dr. Birendi. (2024). Social Media and Young Voters, A Case Study of Punjab . Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2546–2551.
Author Biographies


Department of Political Science Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab, 144411

Dr. Birendi

Assistant professor, Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab