“Big Data Analytics: A Review”

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Dr. Nirmal Kaur
Mr. Amarjeet Singh


The rapid expansion of social networks has propelled a surge in the examination of social data,, garnering significant interest in identifying communication patterns among users and comprehending their behaviors. The imperative task lies in extracting actionable insights from the variety, vast volume, and speed at which data are acquired, tailored to meet specific business requirements. This necessitates the evolution of specialized tools and methodologies for large-scale data analytics in combination with robust architectures for data management and processing. The convergence of social media and big data presents an unprecedented opportunity to elevate management practices to new heights. This paper delves into the integration of big data within social media realms. It delineates the two primary categories of big data analytic approaches: content-oriented and network-oriented methodologies. Furthermore, it elucidates the core concepts, tools, evaluation techniques, applications, and advantages of huge-scale data analytics within this context.


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How to Cite
Dr. Nirmal Kaur, & Mr. Amarjeet Singh. (2024). “Big Data Analytics: A Review”. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 932–938. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.5816
Author Biographies

Dr. Nirmal Kaur

Csa (Computer Science And Applications) Sbbsu (Sant Baba Bhag Singh University) Jalandhar, India 

Mr. Amarjeet Singh

Csa (Computer Science And Applications) Sbbsu (Sant Baba Bhag Singh University) Jalandhar, India 


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