A Study Of Demographic And Economic Factors Influencing Customer Preferences Regarding Life Insurance Policies

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Kunal Vinod Mohan


When it comes to safeguarding one's loved ones from the financial impact of an unexpected tragedy, life insurance is second to none. Life insurance is vital since human lives are the most valuable asset. The current research, which is exploratory and descriptive in nature, was picked fully intent on deciding the variables that impact clients' speculation choices in extra security and breaking down the advantages and level of delight they experience while putting resources into protection. Various statistical approaches will be used to examine the data collected from primary and secondary sources in order to draw conclusions and provide recommendations for the research. In order to reach a decision, this will be carried out. The study has shown that demographic characteristics of the population have a significant and critical impact on life insurance policy investments. The study's very existence proved this to be true.


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How to Cite
Kunal Vinod Mohan. (2024). A Study Of Demographic And Economic Factors Influencing Customer Preferences Regarding Life Insurance Policies. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 939–944. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.5818
Author Biography

Kunal Vinod Mohan

Jain University Mphil Research Scholar 

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