Viewing Ruskin Bond As An Environmental Activist

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Alka Nayak
Dr. Shilpi Bhattacharya


A renowned Indian writer known for his stunning depictions of nature, Ruskin Bond is the focus of this dissertation as it delves into the environmental activism present in his writings. A more thorough reading of Bond's works demonstrates a long-standing commitment to environmental preservation and sustainability, even if he is not often thought of as an activist in the conventional sense. This research examines select novels, short tales, and essays written by James Bond. It seeks to understand how Bond depicts the interdependent nature of humanity and the natural world, his views on unregulated urbanization and industrialization, and his pleas for environmental protection. Bond successfully encourages readers to become more environmentally concerned via the use of several literary devices, including strong imagery, nostalgic memories, and subtle didacticism. The study contends that Bond's literary works are an effective means of environmental activism since they encourage readers to value, safeguard, and maintain the natural environmental


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How to Cite
Alka Nayak, & Dr. Shilpi Bhattacharya. (2024). Viewing Ruskin Bond As An Environmental Activist. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2846–2852.
Author Biographies

Alka Nayak

Research scholar, English literature, Kalinga University, Raipur, 

Dr. Shilpi Bhattacharya

English, Kalinga University, Raipur