The Impact Of Non-Academic Services On Word-Of-Mouth Referral And The Image Of Higher Education Institutions (Heis) In Pakistan: Student Satisfaction As A Mediator

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Purpose: The main objective of this study is to explore how nonacademic services impact word of mouth referrals and the overall image of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), in Pakistan. Specifically how student satisfaction plays a role in mediating these effects was examined. Given the competition within Pakistan’s education sector it is crucial to understand the importance of nonacademic services, in shaping perceptions of HEIs and attracting potential students.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The research adopts quantitative surveys approach. A diverse sample of students from selected HEIs of Pakistan participated in the study. Quantitative data were collected through structured surveys, allowing for statistical analysis to test hypotheses.

Findings: The study reveals that there is a connection, between the quality of non academic services and how higher education institutions (HEIs) in Pakistan are perceived. HEIs that provide a range of quality non academic services, such as well maintained campus facilities and robust student support services tend to have a more positive reputation among students. Student satisfaction also plays a role in mediating this relationship. HEIs that prioritize academic services not only improve their reputation but also significantly contribute to student satisfaction. Moreover specific non academic services like career counseling and recreational facilities were found to have a impact, on both the image of HEIs and student satisfaction.

Originality: This research contributes to the existing literature by shedding light on the underexplored relationship between non-academic services, student satisfaction, word-of-mouth referral, and HEI image in the context of Pakistani higher education. The identification of specific non-academic services that have a substantial impact on HEIs' overall perception adds original insights that can inform strategies for improving the higher education sector in Pakistan.


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How to Cite
MUHAMMAD USMAN, & SITI FALINDAH PADLEE. (2024). The Impact Of Non-Academic Services On Word-Of-Mouth Referral And The Image Of Higher Education Institutions (Heis) In Pakistan: Student Satisfaction As A Mediator. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2913–2920.
Author Biographies


PhD Scholar At Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Umt), Malaysia. Officer Administration At Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute Of Science And TECHNOLOGY (SZABIST), Islamabad, Pakistan E-Mail: 


faculty Of Business, Economics, And Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Umt), MALAYSIA.