The Effect Of Job Rotation On Organizational Loyalty: An Applied Study On Employees In The Amman Municipality

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Dr. "Mohammad Haider" Sadeq Mohailan


Public and private business organizations are experiencing a great challenge in light of the tremendous developments that occur from time to time in our current era, known as the age of speed, as these organizations strive to improve their level of performance and productivity, with the aim of ensuring that their capabilities are strengthened to withstand all the difficulties, obstacles, challenges and changes that they face. In order to be able to provide the best products and services to the benefiting masses, it must resort to using the best dynamic and effective management methods, in order to guarantee itself outstanding growth and success at all local and global levels. This study aims to identify the impact of job rotation on organizational loyalty among employees in the Municipality of Amman. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The study population consisted of all employees in the Municipality of Amman within the upper, middle, and supervisory administrative levels (1211). A random sample of (300) individuals was selected from them. The results of the study showed a high level of job rotation and organizational commitment among employees in the Amman Municipality, and a significant effect of job rotation on organizational loyalty.


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How to Cite
Dr. "Mohammad Haider" Sadeq Mohailan. (2024). The Effect Of Job Rotation On Organizational Loyalty: An Applied Study On Employees In The Amman Municipality. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 9880–9892.
Author Biography

Dr. "Mohammad Haider" Sadeq Mohailan

Institute of Public Administration-Riyadh-Saudi Arabia,