Women Investor’s Perception Towards Problems Associated With Investment In Select Mutual Fund In Kerala

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Dr. T. Srinivasan
Dhini. K. V


Any economy's ability to expand and thrive is largely dependent on how much investment in the sector is encouraged. The general public's savings must be mobilized for beneficial purposes with the assistance of certain specialized agencies. A mutual fund is a type of trust that collects small and medium-sized investors' savings. Under the direction of a knowledgeable fund manager, the funds received are invested in capital market instruments like shares, debentures, and other securities. The capital market is being used by small and medium-sized investors without requiring them to take on a lot of risk. Prior to purchasing a mutual fund, the investor needs to weigh all potential risks. The current study made an effort to assess investors' perceptions of the difficulties associated with investing in mutual fund schemes. The study was carried out in August 2023 and is qualitative in nature. In order to understand how investors perceive these products, a purposive sample of 400 respondents who invest in mutual funds was selected. The data is collected via Google forms and analyzed with SPSS. The study's conclusions demonstrated the need for mutual fund companies to provide prospectors with important information, including the scheme's risk profile, return performance, asset count, and reputation.


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How to Cite
Dr. T. Srinivasan, & Dhini. K. V. (2023). Women Investor’s Perception Towards Problems Associated With Investment In Select Mutual Fund In Kerala. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 29(4), 882–887. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v29i4.5942
Author Biographies

Dr. T. Srinivasan

Director-CDOE, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu-608 002


Dhini. K. V

Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu-608 002