Strategic Intelligence And Its Impact On Enhancing Organizational Culture: A Study On Senior Management Staff At Misurata University

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Omelsaad Ahmed Hamuda
Hajer Ahmad Elshref


This study aimed at investigating the impact of strategic intelligence on promoting organizational culture in the context of Misurata University in Libya. The study sample included 81 senior management employees at Misurata University. An electronic distribution instrument determined 67 cases of the sample. The study findings revealed that there was a significant relationship (p<0.05) between strategic intelligence and the promotion of organizational culture in the selected sample. Based on the results, it could be recommended that continuous development of strategic intelligence tools and regular and comprehensive assessment of the strategic landscape are important for the Libyan management employees. In conclusion, this study contributed to the understanding of the role of strategic intelligence in shaping organizational culture, specifically within Misurata University in Libya. The identified significant relationship highlighted the importance of strategic intelligence in fostering a positive and supportive organizational culture. The recommendations provided a guidance for future efforts in developing and assessing strategic intelligence practices in the Libyan high educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Omelsaad Ahmed Hamuda, & Hajer Ahmad Elshref. (2024). Strategic Intelligence And Its Impact On Enhancing Organizational Culture: A Study On Senior Management Staff At Misurata University. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2993–3005.
Author Biographies

Omelsaad Ahmed Hamuda

Business Administration Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science

Hajer Ahmad Elshref

Misurata University, Marketing department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Misurata University