Exploring The Link Between Green HRM And Innovation In Sustainable Practices Within Organizations

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Dr. R.V.Palanivel
Dr. Ravindra A. Kayande
Agustinus Supriyanto
S. M. Raihan Uddin


This essay delves into the connection between Green HRM and how organisations might innovate in sustainable practices. Businesses are incorporating green practices into their operating plans at a rapid pace, driven by the growing worldwide concern for environmental sustainability. A key factor propelling this change is green HRM, which includes several HR policies with the overarching goal of enhancing environmental sustainability. This research looks at how Green HRM encourages a company-wide emphasis on environmental responsibility and staff participation in sustainability programmes to impact sustainable practice innovation.

This study highlights critical Green HRM practices including green hiring, training, performance evaluation, and employee engagement in green projects by reviewing the literature and analysing case studies from a variety of sectors. According to the results, these techniques boost environmental performance and also promote creativity by inspiring fresh approaches to old problems and the creation of eco-friendly goods and services.

Findings stress the need for top-down support of green HRM initiatives and for HR plans to be in sync with overarching sustainability objectives. Additionally, it delves into the difficulties that organisations have when trying to adopt Green HRM and offers suggestions on how to overcome these problems in order to create a more sustainable and creative work environment.This study offers valuable insights into how HR functions may align with environmental goals by showing how Green HRM promotes sustainable innovation. Human resource managers, business executives, and lawmakers may use this study's findings to inform the development of innovative and environmentally friendly Green HRM initiatives.


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How to Cite
Dr. R.V.Palanivel, Dr. Ravindra A. Kayande, Agustinus Supriyanto, & S. M. Raihan Uddin. (2024). Exploring The Link Between Green HRM And Innovation In Sustainable Practices Within Organizations. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3084–3809. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5962
Author Biographies

Dr. R.V.Palanivel

Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Berlin School of Business and Innovation, Germany,

Dr. Ravindra A. Kayande

Associate Professor, School of Ports, Terminal Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Pune, Maharashtra, India,

Agustinus Supriyanto

Professor of International Law, International Law Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,

S. M. Raihan Uddin

Lecturer, Southeast Business School, Southeast University, Bangladesh