Living the Challenges Brought by Typhoon Odette to Students Enrolled in Action Research Course

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Ruby Aban – Perez


This study explored and described the lived experiences of research students who went through challenges in their research course due to typhoon Rai (Odette). This study utilized the transcendental phenomenology that helped the researcher explicated the meaning, structure, and essence of the lived experiences after the onslaught of typhoon Odette to research students presently enrolled in the course ‘action research’. The research approach was confined to descriptive phenomenology. The findings of study revealed that connectivity issues, particularly Wi-Fi and internet signal disruptions, significantly impacted students' ability to manage school activities from home during the typhoon aftermath. These challenges led to increased stress and anxiety among Action Research course students, who struggled to complete research outputs without access to essential resources. Students faced anxiety and apprehension due to lack of electricity and internet access, causing difficulties in research outputs and meeting deadlines. Online classes were also difficult, highlighting environmental limitations. Despite these challenges, students expressed gratitude for the semester and demonstrated resilience. Addressing connectivity issues and providing support was crucial for mitigating natural disasters' impact on students' academics and mental well-being. The study provided valuable insights into strategies to mitigate these challenges and enhanced the learning experience. Recommendations included implementing flexible research methodologies, providing robust support mechanisms, and cultivating resilience and adaptability as integral facets of research education.


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How to Cite
Ruby Aban – Perez. (2024). Living the Challenges Brought by Typhoon Odette to Students Enrolled in Action Research Course. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3031–3042.
Author Biography

Ruby Aban – Perez

Cebu Normal University