The Effect Of Psychodrama Technique Training On Improving The Self-Esteem Of Preschoolers Who Feel Inferior

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Asma’a Ali Abdalhadi Abu Qbeita
Mohammad Suliman Al Shaar
Nofah Sameh Almawadeh
Zaid Alkouri
Khaled M Hamadin


This present study aimed to know the effect of psychodrama on improving the self-esteem of preschoolers who are victims of the feeling of inferiority, the study used the semi-experimental method, the research sample consisted of 35 male and female child who suffer from low self-esteem, the research sample has been selected by the purposeful way and randomly distributed to two groups: The control group (educated by the normal way) and the experimental group (educated by using the training program). The training program has been built on the psychodrama techniques, then applying the photographed self-esteem scale which consists of three elements, their validity and stability were confirmed, then post and pre-application to the two groups, and by using the appropriate statistical methods, reaching a number of results. In light of these results, a group of recommendations has been introduced, the most important being developing and preparing other measurement instruments to help in the early detection of a preschooler who suffers from a low level of self-esteem and feeling of inferiority and designing programs to improve them, directing the attention of those who are responsible for the educational process of experts, designers and developers of the curricula about the necessity for including psychodrama techniques and employ them within the curricula activities at the kindergarten stage due to their importance in modifying the children’s behavior.


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How to Cite
Asma’a Ali Abdalhadi Abu Qbeita, Mohammad Suliman Al Shaar, Nofah Sameh Almawadeh, Zaid Alkouri, & Khaled M Hamadin. (2024). The Effect Of Psychodrama Technique Training On Improving The Self-Esteem Of Preschoolers Who Feel Inferior. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3569–3580.
Author Biographies

Asma’a Ali Abdalhadi Abu Qbeita

Intisar Turki ALdarabah School Of Educational Studies, Al Hussen Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan, Intisar Turki ALdarabah

Mohammad Suliman Al Shaar

School Of Educational Studies, Al Hussen Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan

Nofah Sameh Almawadeh

Mohammad Suliman Al Shaar School Of Educational Studies, Zarqa University, Early, Zarqa, Jordan

Zaid Alkouri

Faculty Educational Sciences, Jerash University, Jerash, Jordan

Khaled M Hamadin

Faculty Educational Sciences, Jerash University, Jerash, Jordan

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