 The Innovative Potential Of Social Media In Green World Engineering And Technology And Project Management Institutions For Leadership Development And Learning The English Language

Main Article Content

Lilia Ghedabna
Dr.Mohamed Zouhir Azaz
Nik Muhamad Afiz Harom
Ali Majid
Hanene Ghedabna
Zulkiflee Abdul-Samad


Clarity and Structure Problems: The research objectives and findings are presented in the abstract. However, it lacks a clear flow or structure as it talks about leadership roles, language learning, and social media without any connection between them. Framework Presentation: Even though it mentions that there's a presentation of a conceptual framework, no details about what this entails were given. Without providing theoretical background information to support their work people might not be able to understand where they are coming from. Insufficient Evidence: This section overstates how much impact social media has on leadership development and language acquisition while failing to give specific examples or evidence that can back up such claims. They could enhance their argument by including real-life cases studies or examples which will also make readers take them more seriously because they need proof for everything these days quantitative/qualitative methods employed – nor how they were mixed together; hence it becomes hard knowing whether this was really thorough study or not Generalization: Another thing wrong with this is when people generalize too much especially regarding things like benefits of social networks for leaderships and linguistic skills development across cultures without recognizing potential challenges/drawbacks that may come along Cultural differences should be taken into account here because what works in one place may not necessarily work elsewhere depending on technological advancements among other factors Citations – It does not refer to any previous works which could have supported some points mentioned in the abstract This shows lack of proper research as scholarly papers must always contain references from other scholars so that readers know where authors got their information from


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How to Cite
Lilia Ghedabna, Dr.Mohamed Zouhir Azaz, Nik Muhamad Afiz Harom, Ali Majid, Hanene Ghedabna, & Zulkiflee Abdul-Samad. (2024).  The Innovative Potential Of Social Media In Green World Engineering And Technology And Project Management Institutions For Leadership Development And Learning The English Language. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3204–3209. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.6015
Author Biographies

Lilia Ghedabna

Institute of Technology- Management of Enterprises and Administrations COFIFAS Laboratory, University of Oum El Bouaghi, , Aljeria,  

Dr.Mohamed Zouhir Azaz

Mouloud Mammeri Department of Speech-language Pathology, University of Tizi Ouzou Algeria

Nik Muhamad Afiz Harom

Lecturer Faculty of Maritime Studies, University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

Ali Majid

Faculty of Business and Accountancy Lincoln University College Department, Pakistan

Hanene Ghedabna

Master Degree in Language Science and Teaching English as a Foreign language English, Faculty of Letters and Foreign languages-University of Oum El Bouaghi, Aljeria

Zulkiflee Abdul-Samad

Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya