Digital Transformation of Agriculture: The Future of Farming

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Umavathi M
Ankur Suresh
D Abdul Kalam
Abhinav Kumar
Ram Rohit V


The agricultural sector is frequently described as the foundation of human civilization. Moreover, one of the key industries in ensuring food security is agriculture. So, it becomes very critical to keep optimizing the agricultural practices to meet the increasing needs over the decades. It is estimated that the world will have an additional 2 billion to feed by 2050. Traditional agricultural practices may not be sufficient to cater the future needs. More over the resources like water, fertile soil may deplete overtime. So, in the vision of sustainability we need modern approaches. This is where Agriculture 4.0 comes into the picture. Agriculture 4.0 provides insights into digitalization of agriculture using various technologies. We will be highlighting a few of the technologies used in the digitization process, like robots, IoT, sensors, AI&ML in this paper. The productivity boost that these technologies provide is substantial. Digital agriculture provides creative ways to reduce climate risk, maximize resource use, and raise agricultural yields by facilitating real- time data collection, predictive modelling, and data-driven decision- making.


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How to Cite
Umavathi M, Ankur Suresh, D Abdul Kalam, Dhananjay, Jaishetty, Abhinav Kumar, & Ram Rohit V. (2024). Digital Transformation of Agriculture: The Future of Farming. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 2414–2418.
Author Biographies

Umavathi M

Dept. of Electrical Engineering, B.M.S College of Engineering.

Ankur Suresh

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, B.M.S College of Engineering.

D Abdul Kalam

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, B.M.S College of Engineering.


Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, B.M.S College of Engineering.


Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, B.M.S College of Engineering.

Abhinav Kumar

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, B.M.S College of Engineering.

Ram Rohit V

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, B.M.S College of Engineering.

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