Harmonic Mean Cordial Labeling of Some Cycle Related Graphs

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Harsh Gandhi
Jaydeep Parejiya
M M Jariya
Ramesh Solanki


All the graphs considered in this article are simple and undirected. Let  be a simple undirected Graph. A function  is called Harmonic Mean Cordial if the induced function  defined by  satisfies the condition  and  for any , where  and  denotes the number of vertices and number of edges with label  respectively and  is the floor function. A Graph  is called Harmonic Mean Cordial graph if it admits Harmonic Mean Cordial labeling. In this article, we have discussed Harmonic Mean Cordial labeling of Some Cycle Related Graphs.


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How to Cite
Harsh Gandhi, Jaydeep Parejiya, M M Jariya, & Ramesh Solanki. (2024). Harmonic Mean Cordial Labeling of Some Cycle Related Graphs. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 1180–1188. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.6074
Author Biographies

Harsh Gandhi

Research Scholar, Children’s University, Gandhinagar – 382021, Gujarat (INDIA)

Jaydeep Parejiya

Lecturer, Government Polytechnic College, Rajkot – 360004, Gujarat (INDIA)

M M Jariya

Associate Professor, Children’s University, Gandhinagar – 382021, Gujarat (INDIA),

Ramesh Solanki

Lecturer, Government Polytechnic College, Vyara – 394650, Gujarat (INDIA)