Race And Sherlock Holmes: Interrogating The Politics Of Ethnicity In Select Fiction Of Arthur Conan Doyle
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Racial prejudices against the natives are very much evident in the fiction of Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Homes’ actions often show him to be the man of empire. In some fiction like, “The Five Orange Pips”, we find Sherlock Homes vocal against the racist organization Ku Klux Klan.This paper seeks to attempt a study which questions the politics of racism in Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories.At the same time, the study tries to point out a different Sherlock Holmes, who acts against racism.
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Rituparna Chakraborty. (2024). Race And Sherlock Holmes: Interrogating The Politics Of Ethnicity In Select Fiction Of Arthur Conan Doyle. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 2435–2437. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i3.6100