Water Audit: A Case Study of Hasapur Village, North Goa, India.

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Dr. Prashant V Kadam
Ms. Sunita Gurav


An analysis of an entity's water usage is called a water audit. The audit determines how much water is being used, how much is wasted, whether there are leaks, how much is used excessively, etc., and it pinpoints areas where water use can be cut. It assesses current treatment methods and systems critically and makes recommendations for improvements in utilization and efficiency. An audit provides advice on how to decrease water usage and waste, enhance treatment processes and methods, and provide cost-benefit assessments based on this extensive investigation and observations. It also suggests that a system be set up. The paper has analysed the concept of water audit at the grass root level with Hasapur Village of North Goa as a Case study. The availability of   water, its usage, its facilitation is a process which needs to be refined with the object of optimising the available portable water. The study strongly recommends the need for mandatory water audit at the grass root levels so that the water crisis management gets facilitated with a positive framework


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How to Cite
Dr. Prashant V Kadam, & Ms. Sunita Gurav. (2024). Water Audit: A Case Study of Hasapur Village, North Goa, India. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 1223–1231. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.6116
Author Biographies

Dr. Prashant V Kadam

Professor, Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management, Pune

Ms. Sunita Gurav

Researcher, Maratha Mandal's S. G Patil P. U college kinaye Bahadurwadi Belgaum