A Study On Problems Of Breast Cancer Patients And Distress Level Measurement

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Ediga Niranjan Goud
Dr. Haritha Kodali
Prof. Sai Sujatha.D


Aim: The aim of the study is to assess and identify the problems of breast cancer patients and their distress levels by using NCCN Distress thermometer scale. The study includes practical, family, emotional, physical problems and psychological management.

Introduction: A woman's ‘breast’ is an organ whose psychological functions are as important as its physical determinant of feminine attractiveness.Breast cancer is a disease that threatens an organ that is intimately associated with a woman's self-image, sexuality, as well as her reproductive and nurturing capacity. These threats have serious psychological implications for women living with breast cancer. All cancer patients experience some level of distress associated with cancer and during its treatment at all stages of the disease. The breast cancer patients engulfed with wide web of problems viz., Financial, Familial, Practical, Emotional and Physical etc.

 Materials and Methods: - For the data collection scale by NCCN distress DIS-A ‘distress thermometer’ was used the study. The total number of cases was 500 and period was one month. Patient returned completed questionnaire, those who are admitted in the hospital. The Breast cancer patient’s problems and Distress level was assessed by “NCCN” distress thermometer.

Results:As per marking on the distress thermometer, among the total patients 363 (72.6%) are suffering with ‘Mild’ level of distress followed by 127 (25.4%) with moderately severe level of distress and 10 (2.0%) with severe level of distress. The patients with moderate and severe level of distress will be subject for further evaluation to finalize the treatment options

Discussions:The word cancer continues to strike fear into the hardiest souls. Now a days the increasing number of Breast cancer affected persons or living withcancer as a chronic disease, .creates more distress on the importance of paying attention in daily routine and personal life efforts .The disease has an impact on Breast cancer patients problems of family, practical, physical, emotional, and also it affects their lives. These are playing main role in strengthening the feelings of safely and security. The mutual communication from healthcare providers and patients helps to understand the breast cancer disease prognosis and also it prevents patient’s negative emotions such as anxiety, distress, and fear.

Conclusion: Breast cancer is the main distress to the women who undergo mastectomy, multidisciplinary treatment of breast cancer is very important. Counseling plays a vital role by providing assurance, such as breast reconstructioncounseling for family, friends and financial aid to needy patients.  Utilizing all resources from the social work department bring a notable change in their lives.


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How to Cite
Ediga Niranjan Goud, Dr. Haritha Kodali, & Prof. Sai Sujatha.D. (2024). A Study On Problems Of Breast Cancer Patients And Distress Level Measurement. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3419–3426. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.6124
Author Biographies

Ediga Niranjan Goud

Ph.D. Scholar, Department. of Population Studies and Social work, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.

Dr. Haritha Kodali

Ph.D, SRF, Indian Council of Social Science Research 

Prof. Sai Sujatha.D

Department of Population Studies and Social work, Sri Venkateswara University,