"Enhancing Employee Job Satisfaction In Tech: The Crucial Role Of HRM Policies In MNC Companies"

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Dr Abhilasha Singh Raghav
Dr Jaya Yadav
Prof. C. N. Sinha
Sangeeta Singh
Dr Gaurav Sharma


The purpose of this study is to establish the impact of HRM policies on employee job satisfaction in MNC tech firms. In the highly competitive and fast-changing environment of the technological sector, employees’ satisfaction and motivation are key to organizational performance. It also explores the relationship between different strategic HRM practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, appraisal, reward, WLB policies, and employee job satisfaction. The study employs both survey and interview data from 500 tech employees across different MNCs and qualitative data from the interviews with the HR professionals and tech employees. Research evidence shows that there is a strong positive relationship between the use of strategic HRM practices and employee job satisfaction. Promising policies like competitive recruitment, skill development, clear performance appraisals, fair compensation, and work-life balance policies are critical in affecting job satisfaction. The study also highlights the need to ensure that HRM practices are in harmony with organizational objectives and promote a culture of innovation. The HR practitioners, the corporate executives, and the policymakers need to understand these insights to enhance workplace satisfaction and organizational performance in the global market.


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How to Cite
Dr Abhilasha Singh Raghav, Dr Jaya Yadav, Prof. C. N. Sinha, Sangeeta Singh, & Dr Gaurav Sharma. (2024). "Enhancing Employee Job Satisfaction In Tech: The Crucial Role Of HRM Policies In MNC Companies". Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 1338–1343. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.6220
Author Biographies

Dr Abhilasha Singh Raghav

Associate. Professor & HoD Deptt. of Business Management, HIMCS (Sharda Group of Institutions) Farah, NH -2, Mathura U.P.

Dr Jaya Yadav

Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh.

Prof. C. N. Sinha

Director, H. R. Institute of Hotel Management, Ghaziabad.

Sangeeta Singh

Research Scholar, Sri Satya Sai University of technology & medical sciences, Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Dr Gaurav Sharma

Owner, 18 holidays travel company, Agra U.P.