A Research Proposal Rise and struggle of Indian national congress (INC) for power

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Sourabh sharma
Dr. Neha Kumar


The Indian National Congress (INC) has long been a central force in India's political landscape, evolving significantly throughout the 21st century amid various power struggles and transitions. This summary addresses the multifaceted nature of these struggles and analyzes their impact on leadership changes, ideological shifts, electoral outcomes, coalition politics, internal party reforms, media strategies, and party dynamics. Historically, it is synonymous with India's freedom struggle and post-independence state. The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty that headed the INC faced internal challenges and his demands for 21st century modernization during its construction. This resulted in a major change in leadership and a reassessment of the party's direction. Factionalism within the party, influenced by regional identities, ideological differences, and personal ambitions, sometimes impeded the party's ability to consolidate its unity and power. The INC's ideological development has shaped its trajectory, from its roots in secularism and socialism to discussions of economic liberalization and social justice. These ideological changes sparked political debate within the party and reflected the party's struggle to reconcile traditional values ​​with modern realities. The evolution of a party's ideology has had a major impact on its electoral strategy and appeal to voters, and its performance in national elections has received particular attention. Navigating coalition politics is essential for the INC as it seeks alliances to expand its voter base and counter the formidable presence of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Despite state-level electoral successes, performance in national elections has been mixed, further highlighting the importance of coalition building and strategic alliances. To address internal power struggles, the INC implemented internal party reforms aimed at strengthening democracy and decision-making processes. Although these initiatives have promoted inclusivity and reduced sectarianism within the party, their effectiveness in addressing power imbalances remains debatable. Media and communication strategies play an important role in shaping public perception and the balance of power in parliament. INC’s involvement in traditional media and social media platforms, as well as its ability to communicate its message and construct its narrative, impacts its image and electoral prospects. Media coverage, whether positive or negative, can have a significant impact on leadership relationships and intraparty power struggles. Leadership style also influences power relations within the party. A variety of leadership styles, from charismatic to consensus-oriented, have shaped party cohesion and decision-making processes. Prominent leaders and dynastic figures within the party often influence discussions about power struggles and top succession.


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How to Cite
Sourabh sharma, & Dr. Neha Kumar. (2024). A Research Proposal Rise and struggle of Indian national congress (INC) for power. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3686–3692. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.6225
Author Biographies

Sourabh sharma

Department Of Political Science, Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab, 144411

Dr. Neha Kumar

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab, 144411