The Behavioral Pattern of Taghāful in the Social Lifestyle and Its Role in Happiness from the Perspective of the Quran and Hadith

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Hayat Elah Kohzadi Nasab
Gholamreza Khoshnit
Sajjad Hatamizadeh


Lifestyle, as an intertwined set of individual and social behavioral patterns, arises from a distinct meaning system that a culture creates in a human society. Since no human society can be imagined to be devoid of culture, it can be said that all human societies, from the beginning of history to the present, have had their own unique lifestyle and have had behavioral patterns in line with their cultural indicators. One of the important patterns of social behavior that has received less attention is taghāful, which has a significant impact on individual and societal happiness. Numerous factors influence happiness; however, according to scientific psychological research, one of the most important is taghāful and overlooking. In Islamic sources, especially the Quran and hadiths, the use of taghāful in social interactions, family, upbringing, and management affairs is emphasized, and this commendable characteristic is considered one of the traits of the pious and believers. Among its important roles are dignity and self-esteem, good reputation, happiness and a pleasant life, preserving honor, increasing positive attitudes, making interactions easier, and making interactions healthier, all of which play a significant role in happiness.


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How to Cite
Hayat Elah Kohzadi Nasab, Gholamreza Khoshnit, & Sajjad Hatamizadeh. (2023). The Behavioral Pattern of Taghāful in the Social Lifestyle and Its Role in Happiness from the Perspective of the Quran and Hadith . Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 29(4), 1161–1168.
Author Biographies

Hayat Elah Kohzadi Nasab

Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Shahid Mahalati Political Ideology School, Qom, Iran   

Gholamreza Khoshnit

Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Shahid Mahalati Political Ideology School, Qom, Iran     

Sajjad Hatamizadeh

Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Shahid Mahalati Political Ideology School, Qom, Iran