Analysis Of Factors Influencing Inclusive Education as A Key Lever for Reaching Children with Special Educational Needs in The Republic of Kazakhstan

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Marzhan Turlubekova
Pritvorova Tatyana Petrovna
Roza Bugubayeva


Purpose of the Study. Currently, inclusive education is an innovative process based on an ideology that counters discrimination and ensures equal treatment of all people, including children with special educational needs. It provides special conditions and approaches for teaching these children, which are recognized by the entire world community. However, to ensure equal opportunities and accessible education for children with disabilities and children with special educational needs, it is necessary to fully fund special (correctional) educational institutions, resource centers to support the practice of inclusion, as well as programs for further socialization for these children. The purpose of this study is to analyze approaches and ways of financing inclusive education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities by identifying factors influencing the number of children with disabilities, where one of the factors is the environment, as well as the further development of inclusion in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The results of the study were:

1) The author hypothesized that there is a connection between the indicator “The number of registered disabled children under 18 years of age” and factors such as emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources and the generation of hazardous waste by enterprises. To prove or refute this hypothesis, the author conducted a correlation-regression analysis, because of which it was concluded that an increase in the growth rate of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere emanating from stationary sources, as well as an increase in the growth rate of hazardous waste formation, contributes to an increase in the growth rate number of registered disabled children.

2) As a result of the analysis based on statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the author found that every year we see an annual increase in children who are not covered by the right to the development of inclusive education. This circumstance is facilitated by certain factors, including:

- lack of awareness about programs for the development of inclusive education in rural areas and villages.

- lack of interest of parents in the development and education of disabled children.

- Insufficient subsistence level of quality of life for parents of disabled children.

- insufficient state funding for disabled children and children with disabilities.

Conclusions. Based on the analysis carried out by the author of the article, it was concluded that at the present stage, inclusion is a leading trend in the development of the education system. The quality of development of children's coverage with inclusive education in Kazakhstan raises many questions among researchers, including the ineffectiveness of the use of innovative forms of teaching in inclusive education, insufficient knowledge of international experience in the field of approaches to inclusive education and its financing, as well as the impact of the environment on the annual increase in children with disabilities. OOP. Therefore, these circumstances determine interest in the analysis of the theory, methodology, forms of organization and system of public administration of inclusive education in Kazakhstan and its further development. The author found that every year there is an increase in the amount of funding for children with disabilities, which is associated both with the increase in the number of disabled children from year to year, and with a small increase in monthly benefits, which, of course, is not enough for the full development and training of such children. Therefore, a well-thought-out public policy is needed regarding state regulation of inclusive education.


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How to Cite
Marzhan Turlubekova, Pritvorova Tatyana Petrovna, & Roza Bugubayeva. (2024). Analysis Of Factors Influencing Inclusive Education as A Key Lever for Reaching Children with Special Educational Needs in The Republic of Kazakhstan. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3731–3743.
Author Biographies

Marzhan Turlubekova

Doctoral student phd Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsouyz, Republic of Kazakhstan

Pritvorova Tatyana Petrovna

full doctor, Рrofessor, Department of economics and international business, Karaganda Buketov University, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Roza Bugubayeva

Candidate of Economics, Professor, Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsouyz, Republic of Kazakhstan,