Formulation And Evaluation Of Herbal Hair Dye Using Platycladus Orientalis For Preventing Hair Loss”

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Mrs. Anjali chourasiya
Dr.Akanksha Jagwani
Mis.Chelsy Rathore
Dr. Vikas Jain
Ajay Mehra


Loss of colour in hair is because of shifted reasons like hereditary impact, impact of ecological variables, utilization of alcoholic arrangements, and so forth. However, the long-lasting engineered hair colours are accessible in various variety goes and hold normal radiance, they have the main detriment of creating easily affected responses in certain people. In the current examination different blends of powdered leaves and hair care plants like Henna, Indigo, Bhringraj, Amla were assessed for their shading and awareness responses. Henna and Indigo detailing was viewed as reasonable normal colorant.The current examination, endeavours were made to make a powder home grown hair colour that gives rosy earthy coloured tone to hair, looking like normal hair tone with better colouring impact and more prominent maintenance limit on correlation with showcased natural hair colourplan.In my research work I'm using PlatycladusOrientalis for reducing hair loss also.


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How to Cite
Mrs. Anjali chourasiya, Dr.Akanksha Jagwani, Mis.Chelsy Rathore, Dr. Vikas Jain, & Ajay Mehra. (2024). Formulation And Evaluation Of Herbal Hair Dye Using Platycladus Orientalis For Preventing Hair Loss”. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 1418–1424.
Author Biographies

Mrs. Anjali chourasiya

Mahakal Institute Of Pharmaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P)

Dr.Akanksha Jagwani

Mahakal Institute Of Pharmaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P)

Mis.Chelsy Rathore

Mahakal Institute Of Pharmaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P)

Dr. Vikas Jain

Mahakal Institute Of Pharmaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P)

Ajay Mehra

Mahakal Institute Of Pharmaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P)