The effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in improving the performance of fifth-grade female students in mathematics

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Sajeda Ahmed Mohammed Dawaghreh


The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in improving the performance of fifth-grade female students in mathematics. The researcher employed a quasi-experimental method due to its suitability for the nature of the study, with the purpose of determining the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in enhancing the performance of fifth-grade female students in mathematics. A convenient sample of 30 students was selected from Hartha Mixed Basic School in Jordan. These students were given a diagnostic test on the unit of fractions (pre-test and post-test). The researcher used the diagnostic test to address the study's questions. The study concluded that educational therapeutic interventions were effective in improving the performance of fifth-grade female students in the fractions unit, with a t-value of 35.64 in the post-test and a significance level of 0.001. The study found differences in student performance between the pre-test and post-test in favor of the post-test, with a mean score of 15.93.


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How to Cite
Sajeda Ahmed Mohammed Dawaghreh. (2024). The effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in improving the performance of fifth-grade female students in mathematics. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3897–3902.
Author Biography

Sajeda Ahmed Mohammed Dawaghreh

Teacher Trainer, Higher Diploma Program, College of Educational Sciences, Yarmouk University