Feminist Reappraisals Of Motherhood In Indian English Literature

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Priyanka Naik Dessai


In the expansive terrain of Indian English literature, feminist reappraisals of motherhood challenge the traditional paradigms that have long defined women’s roles within both the family and society. This literary movement seeks to explore and redefine the concept of motherhood beyond its conventional boundaries of self-sacrifice and nurturing, presenting it instead as a complex and multifaceted experience that intersects with themes of autonomy, identity, and agency. By critically examining how motherhood is portrayed, feminist writers not only question the existing narratives but also contribute to the formation of new perspectives that reflect the realities and aspirations of women in contemporary Indian society.[1]


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How to Cite
Priyanka Naik Dessai. (2024). Feminist Reappraisals Of Motherhood In Indian English Literature. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 1506–1509. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.6354
Author Biography

Priyanka Naik Dessai

Research Scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur