The Effect Of Factors On Green Supply Chain Management Implementation In Northern India's Small And Medium-Sized (Smes)Leather Industries
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Environmentally friendly supply chain management is concentrated the responsibility of an organisation in appreciating overall ecological consequences of production from the acquisition of raw materials, use of the product, and eventual disposal are all parts of its whole life cycle. This study intends to outline the demands on Northern Indian small- and medium-sized leather industry to adopt green supply chain management. Literature reviews and input from leather industry specialists help outline the factors that facilitate the implementation of green supply chain management. Standard deviation, correlation, and regression analysis were used to examine the quantitative data. The results of this investigation showed that the industries do not plan to green the complete supply chain (SC) system through management commitment, green purchasing and marketing strategies, eco-friendly proposals, or environmental practises. The leather industry has strict environmental policies and protocols, yet despite this, the industry continues to break the law because the relevant bodies have not taken any action. This research paper suggests that the relevant departments create an appropriate monitoring structure and a consolidated green supply chain technique to minimize the issues and encourage balanced economic growth.