Engaging Undergraduate Students In Prevention Of Tumor Lysis Syndrome.
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Cells are the body’s smallest functional units. A tumor is formed by cells that have escaped the normal control system and have multiplied in an uncontrolled and disorderly manner. A clinical condition resulting from a metabolic, neurologic, cardiovascular, hematologic, and/or infectious change caused by cancer or its treatment that requires immediate intervention to prevent loss of life or quality of life is called as Tumor Lysis Syndrome. It may affect a patient with lymphoma or leukaemia, or a patient with a large tumor burden. Tumor Lysis Syndrome (TLS) is characterized by a group of metabolic derangements including hyperuricemia, hyperkalaemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcaemia and uricemia caused by the massive and abrupt release of cellular components into the blood after the rapid lysis of malignant cells.
Aim: The main aim of this study was to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of tumor lysis syndrome among undergraduate nursing students and provide them with learning aids to enhance their knowledge.
Materials and Methods: In the present study, a pre-experimental research design was adopted. The sample consists of 40 undergraduate Nursing students studying in selected nursing college in Surat District, Gujarat state. The data-collection tool consisted of a personal profile and structured interview schedule to assess knowledge regarding prevention of tumor lysis syndrome. Data collection was done on 6th July 2023. The data was analyzed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The present study has revealed that the selected samples of Undergraduate Nursing Students had significant increase in knowledge. The mean pre-test knowledge was 8.075 and the mean post-test knowledge was16.10, significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge was significantly tested using paired ‘t’ test and it was found significant at 0.05 level of significance. Also, the pre-test knowledge score was associated with socio-demographic variables like area of interest, area of clinical posting in the previous year, previous knowledge, source of knowledge, exposure to case of tumor lysis syndrome during clinical posting in previous academic year.
Conclusion: It was concluded on the basis of the findings of that the administration of learning aid was effective in increasing knowledge among undergraduate nursing students.