Brand Positioning, Marketing Plan And Quality In Customer Service In Retail Smes In The Commerce Sector Of The Mayo Region

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Dr. Hugo Neftalí Padilla Torres
Dra. Beatriz Llamas Aréchiga
Dr. José César Kaplan Navarro


The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between the marketing plan and the quality of customer service with the brand positioning of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) retailers in the commerce sector in the May region. The analysis is based on the application of 107 surveys carried out randomly to entrepreneurs in the May region and making use of statistical analysis with SPSS. 39 elements were analyzed: for the variable Y brand positioning 26 elements; for variable X1 marketing plan, 5 elements; and for variable X2 quality of customer service, 8 elements. It was found that there is a significant correlation of the proposed variables Marketing Plan (X1) and Quality in Customer Service (X2) with the Positioning of a brand.


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How to Cite
Dr. Hugo Neftalí Padilla Torres, Dra. Beatriz Llamas Aréchiga, & Dr. José César Kaplan Navarro. (2024). Brand Positioning, Marketing Plan And Quality In Customer Service In Retail Smes In The Commerce Sector Of The Mayo Region. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(7), 602–611.
Author Biographies

Dr. Hugo Neftalí Padilla Torres

Universidad Estatal De Sonora, Unidad Académica Navojoa, , Orcid 0000-0003-1091-0115

Dra. Beatriz Llamas Aréchiga

Universidad De Sonora, Campus Navojoa,, Orcid 000-0002-3130-6921,Jose.Kaplan@Ues.Mx

Dr. José César Kaplan Navarro

Universidad Estatal De Sonora, Unidad Académica Navojoa, Orcid 0000-0002-1365-0569