Implementation of a Holistic-Comprehensive Education Program on Student Readiness to Face the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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Abd. Madjid


This study seeks to investigate the concept of comprehensive education in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The research methodology employed is literature analysis. Findings reveal that comprehensive education is grounded on the belief that students can achieve excellence by embracing all aspects of themselves through self-actualization. Comprehensive education also involves learning through inquiry, where students are accountable for facilitating learning through questioning exploration. Previous studies have underscored the prevalence of anxiety and stress among students in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, indicating a rise in social issues, academic stress, and mental health challenges. In conclusion, comprehensive education can serve as a remedy to enhance students' self-efficacy and tackle the mental health issues encountered in the age of technology and the demand for specific skills.


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How to Cite
Abd. Madjid. (2024). Implementation of a Holistic-Comprehensive Education Program on Student Readiness to Face the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 513–519.
Author Biography

Abd. Madjid

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia