Personal-Professional Competencies Perception Scale for Teacher Candidates: Validity and Reliability Study

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Hilal Kazu; Demet Demiralp


In this study, it has been aimed to develop a measuring tool which will enable to measure teacher candidates' personal-professional competences in a valid and a reliable way. The study was conducted on four different working groups consisting of a total of 720 teacher candidates. In the study, as for the construct validity of the comments made from the measurement, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were applied. As a result of the EFA, a structure consisting of 18 items and 4 factors was achieved. The findings obtained from the CFA showed that the structure had adequate fit indexes. The calculations of convergent and discriminant validity which were made in order to enrich construct validity data show that the results are within the acceptable values in the literature. The reliability of the measurements obtained from the scale were controlled via Cronbach Alfa, composite reliability, and test-retest methods, and it was determined that calculated reliability coefficients are within the acceptable limits.


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Hilal Kazu; Demet Demiralp. (2021). Personal-Professional Competencies Perception Scale for Teacher Candidates: Validity and Reliability Study. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 23(3), 425–464.