The Impact of Educational Practices in Learning Comics and Video Media on Social Science Subjects as Alternatives in a Pandemic Period
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This study aimed to see the impact of learning using comic and video media methods on social studies subjects during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted in 5 State Elementary Schools (SDN) Miri District, Sragen Regency, namely: (1) SDN Soko 2; (2) SDN Girimargo 1; (3) SDN Girimargo 3; (4) SDN Gilirejo 2, and (5) SDN Gilirejo. The research subjects were 5th-grade students and school teachers. The data is focused on learning activities with the theme of 7 social studies lessons to answer research. Data were collected utilizing observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed in a fashion way; triangulation consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that using comics media increased students' interest, enthusiasm, and participation in social studies lessons. In addition, comics media are livelier for students' learning atmosphere. Learning using video media also shows students' enthusiasm for learning and parents who accompany online learning. This study concludes that innovation is the key to urgency in the teaching and learning process. Innovations such as using or incorporating learning media are created to overcome the current pandemic conditions without reducing learning effectiveness.