Exploration of Violence and Valiance in Elizabeth Wein’s Rose Under Fire

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K. Poompavai
Dr. D Shanmugam


 The article “Exploration of Violence and Valiance in Elizabeth Wein’s Rose Under Fire” revolves around the Ravenbruck camp. It focuses on the life of women prisoners. Elizabeth Wein brings out the horrors of the Ravensbruck camp in her words perfectly. The beauty of the novel is that the women prisoners are not only Jews, but also from different countries. For example, a pilot from Paris, a pharmacist from Berlin, and a student from Pennsylvania. Each of the women has a story, a family, and a life. The one thing which brings them together is the Second World War. The article focuses on how they save each other from the gassing and firing orders, how they live together inside the four walls, and among the violence of Germans. It centers around the character Rose. Though there are other prisoners Elizabeth Wein moves the plot through Rose. The past life and the post war days reflects the impacts of war. This article finds out how they break the violence through their valiance and attain victory against the Germans.


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How to Cite
K. Poompavai, & Dr. D Shanmugam. (2024). Exploration of Violence and Valiance in Elizabeth Wein’s Rose Under Fire. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 192–196. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.2820
Author Biographies

K. Poompavai

Research Scholar, Department of English, Annamalai University.

Dr. D Shanmugam

Professor &Head, Department of English, Annamalai University.