The Role Of Marketing In Talent Acquisition And Retention: Insights From HR Professionals

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Abderrazzak Abdoune
M Prabavathy
Sonali Priyadarshin
Dr Dharmavaram Vijayalakshmi


Branding of the company and recruitment marketing campaigns are becoming very important investments those companies are making to work with the best workers and hold on to them. This study examined the strategies used by 50 corporations from technology, healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, and other industries to achieve their investment goals. Interviews and surveys form both data collection conducted with HR and marketing professionals and online and paper surveys. Figures had a clear display, indicating that 40 percent of organizations allocate resources to employee branding, to which 30 percent spend over $50,000 yearly. These efforts proved actual results in 30% saying that they had more job applicants apply and 25% said that they moved the hiring process faster. On the other hand, another 40% said that the employee referrals were higher. Adoption of multichannel recruitment plans is an obvious choice (among 70%) of companies, combining social media (40%), events (30%), content marketing (20%), and videos (10%). Nearly half (45%) see campaign return-on-investment above 5:In conclusion, our attention deficit prevention solution helps tackle a significant issue that affects many students. Brand management of employment and result-driven marketing of recruiting also help to bring talents in and keep the best ones, making the organization more competitive in the market. However, this involvement must be done with care in order to achieve perfect coordination between external branding and internal workforce management, analytics, and human resource engagement. Efficient self-promotion along with true realities is the main condition for sustainable differentiation. This study has revealed best practices and appropriate direction on how to organize the level of funds, types of campaigns, expected returns, and alignment of concepts that one can use when marketing human capital


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How to Cite
Abderrazzak Abdoune, M Prabavathy, Sonali Priyadarshin, & Dr Dharmavaram Vijayalakshmi. (2024). The Role Of Marketing In Talent Acquisition And Retention: Insights From HR Professionals. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 197–202.
Author Biographies

Abderrazzak Abdoune

Moulay Ismail university, Morocco

M Prabavathy

2Associate Professor, Centre for Differently Abled Persons, Bharathidasan University, Tamil nadu.

Sonali Priyadarshin

Asst.Prof. Hitech Institute Of Technology,BPUT 

Dr Dharmavaram Vijayalakshmi

Andhra university Scholar 

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