An Anlysis Of Socio - Econiomic And Health Conditions Of Ageing In Chengalpattu District Of Tamilnadu

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Mr. Sangeeth Cherian
Dr. S. Chandrachud


The phenomenon of ageing can be analyzed from the physical, socio-cultural, psychological and functional angles. Physical ageing is defined on the basis of the anatomical biological changes taking place in the life of an individual with the passage of time. It explains the degradation of the physiological and physical process in relation to the chronological age. Social and cultural ageing are inter-relation to the chronological age. Social and cultural ageing are inter-related but differ in the basis of their emphasis. Social ageing denoted the changes in the behavioral pattern and the role and status on individuals in the family. It refers to social roles and expectations related to a person’s age. It is the behavior patterns, beliefs and other products of a particular group that are passed on from generation to generation. Each society has its own langrage. Dress, work, customs and food habits. The Indian culture expected that a girl should be under the father’s control that a wife must be under her husband’s control and that an aged mother must be looked after by her sons. The cultural ageing give importance to the role on an individual during his life span. The individual plays different roles according to the stage in life. During the childhood, early adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood, people are supposed to play the role of the son / daughter, husband / wife, father / mother, and grandfather / grandmother. In the Hindu tradition the ‘vanapratha Ashram’ is considered the stage of old age once they have fulfilled the duties and responsibilities to the family , they retire from active life and move to the hermitage. Psychological aging refers to the state of mind of an individual or how he perceives himself. A positive attitude and continued interest in life and things around him help him in reducing the ageing process and staying young in his activities. People are motivated and interested in being healthy and youthful. Elders who are educationally, economically, socially well off may keep bitter mental health and positive attitudes towards self and life. The individual’s adaptive capacities help him to adjust effectively through learning, coping, controlling emotions, being motivated, thinking more competently, etc., which are considered to be attributes of keeping “psychologically young”.


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How to Cite
Mr. Sangeeth Cherian, & Dr. S. Chandrachud. (2024). An Anlysis Of Socio - Econiomic And Health Conditions Of Ageing In Chengalpattu District Of Tamilnadu. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 5545–5555.
Author Biographies

Mr. Sangeeth Cherian

Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Vels University, Chennai- 600 117

Dr. S. Chandrachud

Professor & Head, Department of Economics, Vels University, Chennai- 600 117

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