Behavioural Shift In The Investment Paradigm

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Mr. Sangeeth C Cherian
Dr. S. Chandrachud


Rising Inflation become one of the nightmares of world economy, however, per capita income and GDP growth have improved a lot in Indian economy from 2010, but investors are much aware about the precarious situation of inflation and eagerly applying some remedy to overcome the situation. They are striving to save the time value of their savings, as far as inflation eats their savings and investment quickly. Converting the money from savings to investment is only one and one remedy for the inflation, government might take some measures through monitory policies. Corporate and households income have buoyant and turned upward trajectory, which is good sign of economic growth but expenditure part also have increased drastically .In olden days parking the funds in to Gold, FD & Property were the only remedy against inflation, no matter what goals and object they set behind such investment plans ,majority people converted the money in to real estate and  land rather than keeping it in a liquid form, especially to save the purchasing power of the money as to fulfil their objects, later this could be liquated as and when they required. Nowadays there is a behavioural shift happened in the emotional intelligence part of investors, the long term perception of  investment  has been moved to short term and every investors are eager to have everything in a most liquid form of assets.


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How to Cite
Mr. Sangeeth C Cherian, & Dr. S. Chandrachud. (2024). Behavioural Shift In The Investment Paradigm. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2032–2039.
Author Biographies

Mr. Sangeeth C Cherian

Research Scholar, Department of Economics, VISTAS, Chennai

Dr. S. Chandrachud

Professor and Head, Department of Economics, Department of Economics, VISTAS, Chennai