Enhancing Data Consistency Through Referential Integrity In Document Oriented NoSQL Databases

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Dindoliwala Vaishali J
Morena Rustom. D


The purpose of this paper is to present an efficient strategy for managing the data integrity among the documents of document-oriented NoSQL databases in distributed environment. Most of the document-oriented NoSQL databases do not provide any built-in mechanism for maintaining data integrity through establishing document relationships through managing referential integrity constraints which restrict applications to use these databases where data integrity and consistency is essential. In document-oriented NoSQL databases, generally data consistency is negotiated or it has been given not much important as relational database systems. So, we have proposed various strategies that not only manage data integrity in terms of establishing referential integrity constraints but also maintain data consistency among the documents of document-oriented NoSQL databases. For deciding the efficient strategy among the proposed strategies, various database operations are executed in a document-oriented NoSQL database and the results are obtained and analysed by measuring the execution time.


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How to Cite
Dindoliwala Vaishali J, & Morena Rustom. D. (2024). Enhancing Data Consistency Through Referential Integrity In Document Oriented NoSQL Databases. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 1374–1383. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3096
Author Biographies

Dindoliwala Vaishali J

Assistant Professor, C. B. Patel Computer College & J. N. M. Patel Science College, Bharthana, Vesu, Surat, India.


Morena Rustom. D

Professor, Department of Computer Science, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India.