Effect of Social Media Advertisement on Consumers of FMCGs

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Ajay Singh
Prof. Sanjeev Kumar


Internet, Social Media, and Online Shopping have become an integral part of human life today. Compared to developing countries, India has yet to reach complete internet access in villages. However, a substantial portion of the total population uses the Internet and social networking platforms. Finding a person who does not have an account on any social media platform seems like an impossible task. In India, many such initiatives have been taken by state and central governments through which digital technology has become more accessible, even in remote areas. At present, marketers have started to use social media as a communication tool. They use social media networks to communicate with consumers about discount offers, new products and services. But still, all sellers do not use social media advertisements. They believe in traditional mediums of communication. Although marketers are using traditional advertisement tools, social media as an advertisement shows tremendous growth. Consumers started using social media to know about new products and their dimensions. The findings of this research suggested that people consider social media advertisements as an awareness tool.


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How to Cite
Ajay Singh, & Prof. Sanjeev Kumar. (2024). Effect of Social Media Advertisement on Consumers of FMCGs. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 2143–2149. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3250
Author Biographies

Ajay Singh

Research Scholar, Haryana School of Business, GJUS&T, Hisar

Prof. Sanjeev Kumar

Professor, Haryana School of Business, Guru Jambheshwar University of science and

Technology, Hisar-125001, Haryana, India