Harnessing The Wind: Unleashing India's Renewable Energy Potential

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Mr. Manoj Mathew
Dr. Harish Kumar


India, as the fastest-growing country in the world, faces escalating energy demands that necessitate a sustainable approach to power generation. Renewable energy sources, particularly wind energy, have emerged as pivotal players in meeting this growing energy demand while mitigating environmental impact. This paper explores India's significant strides in wind energy development, highlighting its clean and renewable nature. It examines the country's rising wind energy production capacity, positioning India as a global leader in wind power. Furthermore, the paper delves into the mechanisms of wind energy generation, emphasizing its reliance on the earth's natural processes. By analyzing the wind energy potential across different states in India and comparing it with global trends, this article underscores the transformative role of wind energy in shaping India's energy landscape and advancing sustainable development goals.


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How to Cite
Mr. Manoj Mathew, & Dr. Harish Kumar. (2024). Harnessing The Wind: Unleashing India’s Renewable Energy Potential. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 2914–2919. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3368
Author Biographies

Mr. Manoj Mathew

Research Scholar, Jaipur National University

Dr. Harish Kumar

Associate Professor, Jaipur National University

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