Phenomena Of Pseudohistorical News Information In The Post-Truth Era

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Kawaljit Singh
Dr. Harish Kumar


The impact of "Pseudohistory" is significant in the "Post-Tuth era". False historical knowledge that is inaccurate or deliberately deceptive may affect our politics, governments, and our future policies. However, as time passes, knowledge of the past can shape our identities, nations, institutions, and perspectives on other people. A long-term phenomenon called "fake history" is becoming more apparent. The "real history" that contradicts "fake history" has slowly disappeared from public view, in contrast to the "real news" that confronts "fake news" every day in the public realm. Nevertheless, history is much more than a mere list of past events. The spread of misinformation and false news is still evident in "WhatsApp Universities," and even a program with majors in "fake news" and minors in paid journalism has developed. The idea of academic history conflicts with the rapidly growing discipline of Pseudo-History


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How to Cite
Kawaljit Singh, & Dr. Harish Kumar. (2024). Phenomena Of Pseudohistorical News Information In The Post-Truth Era. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 7050–7056.
Author Biographies

Kawaljit Singh

Research scholar, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak.

Dr. Harish Kumar

Professor and Head, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak.