Identification of A Novel Anthropometric Indices Correlating Aggression: A Case Study Based On Extremes Of Bengal
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Aggression is a kind of behavior that ensures some of the characters like anger, hostility, physical aggression and verbal aggression. Children at the age of post adolescence used to show variety of these characters within them. Anthropometry shows the body dimensions and is hugely instrumental in many fields of scientific researches. Aggression is very common to all, whereas identification of it is still under research for in-vitro and in-vivo experimentations. A study conducted at different localities of Barrack pore West Bengal upon 150 school going adolescent children within (11 to 14) years age group. Some of the experimental parameters like physiological, anthropometric and a questionnaire have been performed upon them to identify the traits of aggression, like out of four aggression parameters like anger, hostility, physical aggression and verbal aggression which one is predominant and Pearson’s correlation is performed to find the anthropometric markers that are correlating with the aggression score. Results showed that fWHR (i.e. face width to height ratio) is sounder to correlate physical amongst the boys than that of the girls, whereas, 2D/4D ratio is found to be highly correlating with mean hostility score amongst the girls of the same age group than that of the boys. The identified novel anthropometric markers can be more easy & painless to measure with in any subject of this particular age group, henceforth to be easier in identifying aggressiveness to build a cruel-free nation.