Utilizing Games In Teaching English Vocabulary Inside Classrooms A Case Study Of Jordan

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Mohammad Adnan Subhi Al-Khattab
Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin


The use of educational games as part of teaching and learning the English language makes a substantial contribution toward the objective of acquiring and learning languages via the interaction of one's peers and the social setting. Prior studies has shown that employing games as a fundamental instructional technique in language acquisition is quite important. Although it is particularly important for the growth of children, play is something that may be good for adults of any age. The idea of Different Intelligences developed by Howard Gardner is closely connected to the practice of using games to educate a target language. The use of games in the classroom may bring more happiness and enjoyment to the process of teaching and learning, as well as reduce stress and link students to both their peers and the globe surrounding them. Learning may be made more beneficial and pleasant via the usage of games, regardless of whether such games are performed in person or online. This study makes an effort to throw light on certain fundamental components that educational games have to contain, in addition to their characteristics, themes, and situations. In conclusion, the findings of this study provide numerous instances of instructional games that may be used by instructors in the classroom.


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Mohammad Adnan Subhi Al-Khattab, & Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin. (2024). Utilizing Games In Teaching English Vocabulary Inside Classrooms A Case Study Of Jordan. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 5188–5194. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3760