Overtones Of Existentialism In Preeti Shenoy’s Life Is What You Make It

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Existential theory is a 20th century philosophy in Europe that focusses on the individual's experience in the world and the way they understand them. It is the   individual's determination and responsibility that propagates   one's existence. The predominant themes of existentialism are absurdity, mortality, alienation, and the pressure on the human consciousness and freedom.  The survival of one's own existence with their constant struggle is prevalent and evident   in the works of Preethishenoy. PreethiShenoy explores the psyche of youngsters and their survival struggle with determination   is evident   almost in all her novels. Hence an attempt is made to analyse the protagonist Ankita Sharma of PreethiShenoy's debut novel “Life is What You Make it” (2011).  Ankita Sharma a jubilant student is ambitious to acquire MBA in a reputed institute and her hard work yields success to get the admission. The proposal of Abishekdidnot alter the mindset of Ankita but   her determination is tested by the trials and tribulations caused by the sudden suicide of Abishek. Hence the existential elements in the personal life and struggle of Ankita Sharma   to win back her life is the key factor of the article.


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How to Cite
K.Thangam, & Dr.K.Suresh. (2024). Overtones Of Existentialism In Preeti Shenoy’s Life Is What You Make It. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 2254–2255. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i3.3910
Author Biographies


Research Scholar, Department of English, Vels Institute of Science Technologies and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai.Associate Proffesor, Department of English,SdnbVaishnav College for Women,Chennai - 600044.


Assistant Professor, Department of English, Vels Institute of Science Technologies and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai.