Ensemble Machine Learning Empowered Energy Optimized Non-Line-Of-Sight Underwater SONAR And LIDAR Communication

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Elbin Chacko
Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George
Dr. S. Perumal sankar


This paper introduces an innovative approach to improving underwater communication by merging ensemble machine learning techniques with energy-efficient non-line-of- sight (NLOS) SONAR and LIDAR systems. Through MATLAB simulation and Python for machine learning (ML), the proposed method addresses challenges such as signal attenuation and scattering prevalent in underwater environments. By optimizing energy consumption and enhancing NLOS signal propagation, the system demonstrates promising advancements in data transmission rates and reliability. This interdisciplinary collaboration between signal processing, underwater acoustics, and machine learning holds potential for significant progress in underwater communication capabilities.


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How to Cite
Elbin Chacko, Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George, & Dr. S. Perumal sankar. (2024). Ensemble Machine Learning Empowered Energy Optimized Non-Line-Of-Sight Underwater SONAR And LIDAR Communication. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 7904–7908. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4255
Author Biographies

Elbin Chacko

PG Student, M. Tech Wireless Technology Toc H Institute of Science and Technology  

Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George

HOD, Department of Electronics Toc H Institute of Science and Technology

Dr. S. Perumal sankar

Professor, ECE Department Toc H Institute of Science and Technology

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