Intelligent Satellite - Based Deforestation Surveillance Using Enhanced Classification

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Muhsina M A
Dr. S. Perumal Sankar
Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George


Understanding the dynamics of deforestation and land use in adjacent regions is crucial for developing effective forest conservation and management policies. This study presents a novel approach to addressing deforestation by treating it as a multilabel classification (MLC) problem using satellite imagery. We introduce Inception, an advanced model that leverages the self-attention mechanism, thereby eliminating the need for convolution operations typically used in traditional deep learning models for detecting deforestation. Extensive experiments con- ducted on publicly available satellite image datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of Inception in MLC, particularly in scenarios with imbalanced classes. This research marks a significant advancement in utilizing the Inception architecture for deforestation monitoring, emphasizing its potential to enhance the accuracy and sensitivity of land use classification based on satellite images.


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How to Cite
Muhsina M A, Dr. S. Perumal Sankar, & Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George. (2024). Intelligent Satellite - Based Deforestation Surveillance Using Enhanced Classification. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1010–1014.
Author Biographies

Muhsina M A

PG Student, M.Tech Wireless Technology Toc H Institute of Science and Technology 

Dr. S. Perumal Sankar

Professor, ECE Department Toc H Institute of Science and Technology 

Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George

HOD, Department of Electronics Toc H Institute of Science and Technology