Identifying And Evaluating Determinants Of Edible Product Packaging For Consumer Buying: An ISM-MICMAC Approach

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Prof. Arvind Kumar Shukla
Dr. Manmohan Bansal
Medha Saraswat


Consumer behavior toward edible product packaging is pivotal in shaping purchasing decisions and influencing market dynamics and sustainability efforts. This research paper investigates the determinants influencing consumer buying behavior regarding edible packaging. Employing the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and (MICMAC methodologies, it seeks to identify and evaluate the hierarchical relationships among various factors affecting consumer preferences in this domain. By employing a comprehensive approach, the study aims to provide insights into the complex interplay of factors shaping consumer choices in edible product packaging, thereby offering valuable guidance for marketers and policymakers seeking to enhance product packaging strategies and meet consumer needs effectively. The preliminary findings suggest that determinants such as Packaging Regulation, Packaging Materials, innovative packaging, and Sustainability significantly influence consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions regarding edible product packaging. Moreover, the ISM-MICMAC framework identifies critical factors exerting maximum influence and those with high driving power and dependence, thus facilitating strategic interventions for effective packaging design and marketing strategies. This research's implications extend to academia and industry, offering valuable insights into understanding consumer behavior towards edible product packaging and guiding marketing strategies to enhance consumer satisfaction and sustainability initiatives


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How to Cite
Prof. Arvind Kumar Shukla, Dr. Manmohan Bansal, & Medha Saraswat. (2024). Identifying And Evaluating Determinants Of Edible Product Packaging For Consumer Buying: An ISM-MICMAC Approach. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8629–8638.
Author Biographies

Prof. Arvind Kumar Shukla

Professor, Faculty of Management, Invertis University, Bareilly, UP India

Dr. Manmohan Bansal

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Invertis University, Bareilly, UP India

Medha Saraswat

Research Scholar, Faculty of Management, Invertis University, Bareilly, UP India