Investigating The Impact Of Employee Relations And Organizational Citizenship Behavior On Employee Performance In Chosen It Enterprises: A Case Study With Emphasis On The Malabar Region Of Kerala

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Jisha P. V
Dr. N. Lalitha


This research explores the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and individual performance among IT professionals in the Malabar region of Kerala. It aims to identify the factors influencing OCB expression in this context. OCB refers to voluntary actions by employees that benefit the organization beyond their formal duties. Conducted using a Descriptive Research Design, data was collected from 120 IT professionals in the Malabar region through non-probability sampling. Quantitative analysis methods such as Simple Percentage, Descriptive Analysis were employed. The study emphasizes the importance of 'Seeking opportunities for creative contributions' and 'Supporting, mentoring new employees' in driving OCB and individual performance. Recommendations include establishing innovation labs, fostering cross-functional collaborations, and implementing mentorship programs. Additionally, highlighting 'Valuing employee efforts' and robust 'Peer recognition programs' can boost morale and satisfaction. Age groups showed no significant impact on most OCB dimensions except for 'Organizational Culture and Values,' suggesting tailored approaches to reinforce core values. However, years of experience notably influenced 'Task Performance' and 'Perceived Organizational Support,' indicating the need for targeted training and support systems. Educational programs should focus on promoting citizenship and alignment with organizational values. Overall, organizations in the Malabar region should prioritize a conducive work environment fostering creativity and mentorship for improved engagement and performance. Recognition of employee contributions through peer programs is crucial for fostering appreciation. Understanding demographic impacts can inform tailored strategies to strengthen organizational values and support employee development, leading to enhanced organizational performance and IT employee satisfaction in the Malabar region


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How to Cite
Jisha P. V, & Dr. N. Lalitha. (2024). Investigating The Impact Of Employee Relations And Organizational Citizenship Behavior On Employee Performance In Chosen It Enterprises: A Case Study With Emphasis On The Malabar Region Of Kerala. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8639–8646.
Author Biographies

Jisha P. V

Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu

Dr. N. Lalitha

Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Commerce kolanjiyappar Govt. Arts College, Vriddhachalam.